Like many others I must admit to a dangerous new addiction... Pinterest. Yes, I too find myself spending so much time looking at what others find interesting. But I must admit it's pretty cool. If I liked to cook, there are some recipes on there that I'd have to try. I still might try a couple of deserts that I've repinned. Yes, but no, no I'm not, no point in even thinking it!!
But before I go on, for those of you who haven't checked out Pinterest, it's a virtual bulletin board that allows you to pin pictures that you find on the web onto your own "boards". You can create as many boards as you'd like. Anyway, the latest pics to catch my interest all have to do with the amazing color combinations that we find in nature. God's paint palette is unbelieveable. Just thought I'd post a few of my favorites. As Spring is upon us ( at least here in the South) these pics make me think about new combinations for a spring and summer wardobe. What do you think....

Shades of pink & green
lavendar, turquosie, olive green, silver
Olive green, purple.
Fushia,white, beige and turquoise
Shades of orange, green, and white
light turquoise, orange, white
gray, pink and white
beige, taupe, cream, palest pink and peach
gray, turquoise, green
yellow, dark green, blue/purple
all photos via Pinterest
Like I said, Nobody does color better than GOD.