If you are not familiar with the Liebster award, it’s an
award that bloggers give each other as a way of discovering new blogs and
learning about the people who actually write the blog. As a nominee I am
asked to answer questions (from my nominator) and then create my own
questions for the bloggers I nominate. Hmmm, this should be
verrry interesting. My good friend Shelly over at
nominated me and I feel truly honored that she did. Here are the questions
asked me and a few other great
bloggers to answer.
1. If
you had to use three words to describe
your style what would they be?
If I had to describe my style it would probably
take more than 3 words, but the first three that come to mind are, colorful,
eclectic, and glam. I like, colorful walls, not just “pops of color” in a
room, I like so many different styles of furnishings that I think the word
eclectic was coined just for me. The glam comes from a deep love of all things
shiny. I love crystals, metallics’ (especially silver) mirrors and just
anything that has a shiny finish.
2. What’s
the favorite decorative accessory you own?
My favorite decorative accessory is actually a set
of accessories. It’s two custom made mirrors that I created a few years ago.
They are two of my favorite colors, turquoise and silver.
3. What’s
your biggest pet peeve?
I guess my biggest pet peeve is people texting and playing games on their phones when seated at a restaurant table together. I always am amazed at how far we have moved away from face to face conversation. It's sad.
4. If
you had the chance to be on a game show which show would you like to be on and
If I could be on a game show I think I would want to be on Family Feud.
I think with a
team made up of my kids
and siblings we could win it all!!
5. Name
two things on your bucket list.
The longer
I live the longer my bucket list gets. And I actually get to mark things off my
list every year. So far this year, I marked off zip lining and being in a flash
mob. But two things that are still on it is:
1. Shopping
at the Rose Bowl Flea Market in Pasadena, CA
2. Going to
the Kentucky Derby. Yes, I want to sip a Mint Julep while wearing a fantastic
hat designed by Mr. Song in Southfield Mich. I guess that’s 3 things isn’t it!!
6. What’s
the best gift you’ve ever given and the best gift you’ve ever received?
I think the best gift I’ve ever given
was a pink Kitchen Aide Artesian Mixer to my daughter Cassie as her high school
graduation gift. I guess I focus more on the" it’s better to give than receive",
because I am having a hard time thinking of the best gift I ever received. If I
had to pick one I guess it would be the brand new car that I got as a College
Graduation/Wedding gift!! It was the first time I got to go to a car dealership
and pick out all the options I wanted on a car.
7. Stranded
on an island, what magazine would you want to have with you?
That’s easy, HGTV Magazine. I could
probably build a great little hut and furniture to go in it with the amazing
ideas I see it. LOL
8. You
are throwing the dinner party of your life. What famous people would you
invite and why?
I would so invite President Barak
Obama, his wife and her mother. I believe her mother has a totally different
perspective on things than the President and First Lady, and I’d like to hear
their views on the same topics. Like so many others, I would also like to get a
glimpse at how Oprah and Tyler Perry view life based on where they began and
where they are now.
9. If
you could hire one famous designer to build your dream home, who would it be
and why?
I think I’d hire Tiffany Brooks,
winner of HGTV Design Star. I like her style and use of color. See question
10. What would
you do if you won the lottery?
Assuming if you ask this question
we’re talking about millions of dollars won, I know exactly what I’d do. Like
most winners I’d eliminate every bill I have and take care of my family and the
church I grew up in back in Detroit. My next move would be to create a program
that serviced mentally disabled young adults who were trying to transition into
the “real” (as in adult) world as successful independent adults. There are too
few programs that address this group of individuals. I can also think of a couple of charities I'd support. Of course there would be
some major travel involved.
11. What one
power tool or crafting tool could you not live without?
Who ever invented the glue gun was a
genius. What can you not fix or make with a glue gun? Really, if you think of
something that melts, you could probably use a low temp glue gun on it!!
Well now I hope you feel like you
know me a little better or have confirmed that you knew me as well as you
thought you did. At first glance these questions didn’t seem too thought
provoking, but they actually were.
The next part of this process is to
nominate other bloggers for the Liebster Award. The first couple that came to
mind had already been nominated by Shelly ( great minds think alike, right).
A great blog that I just recently
started following is:
USS Crafty.com written by T'onna Peters aka Navy Wifely Peters states she’s a Navy Wife and she has mad crafting skills.
Another favorite blog of mine is
Pneumatic Addict , well written by Elisha. I have learned a lot from her posts,
check out her sections on tools.
Another favorite blog that really has
nothing to do with home décor and DIY but has everything to do with creating
wonderful fashion is
I have
even purchased some of her clothing patterns and love the results.
Now for my 11 questions that I hope these ladies will answer::
1. What
has been your biggest source of inspiration (pre- Pinterest)?
2. What
is you favorite “non creating” thing to do?
If you could visit 3 places outside of the US, where
would you go and why?
If you didn’t blog, how would you share your creativity
with others?
What one step or process was most beneficial to your
blogging experience?
If you could learn to do one new thing what would it be and
If you had to choose between entree or desert which
would win and what would it be?
If you are into thrift shops, what’s your go to store and if you're not, why not?
Who would you take on an all expenses paid shopping trip (including
shopping money) to New Your City, and why?
10. What’s
one piece of furniture in your home, could you not give up and why?
11. What
color should be in every house or closet, no matter your style?
This has been a fun blog
post. I hope you’ll take a moment to stop by the blogs that I’ve
nominated, for the
Liebster Award to check them out and say hi.